Advancing primary care with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning


Yang, Zhou, Silcox, Christina, Sendak, Mark, Rose, Sherri, Rehkopf, David, Phillips, Robert L, Peterson, Lars E, Marino, Miguel, Maier, John, Lin, Steven, Liaw, Winston R, Kakadiaris, Ioannis A, Heintzman, John, Chu, Isabella, and Bazemore, Andrew W


Achieving Health System Goals, and Role of Primary Care


Population Health (PHATE)





Primary care is the largest healthcare delivery platform in the US. Facing the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technology (AI/ML) revolution, the primary care community would benefit from a roadmap revealing priority areas and opportunities for developing and integrating AI/ML-driven clinical tools. This article presents a framework that identifies five domains for AI/ML integration in primary care to support care delivery transformation and achieve the Quintuple Aims of the healthcare system. We concluded that primary care plays a critical role in developing, introducing, implementing, and monitoring AI/ML tools in healthcare and must not be overlooked as AI/ML transforms healthcare.

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