Certificate of Added Qualification

Health Care Administration, Leadership, and Management

The CAQ in Health Care Administration, Leadership, and Management (HALM) is offered in conjunction with the American Boards of Anesthesiology, Preventive Medicine, and Emergency Medicine to recognize physicians with significant leadership responsibility in a variety of settings.


The Certificate of Added Qualification (CAQ) in HALM recognizes your significant leadership responsibility in a variety of settings including health systems, large medical groups or community practices, academic health centers, and health policy organizations.

Initial Certification Requirements for Health Care Administration, Leadership, and Management

If you are interested in obtaining a CAQ in HALM, you are required to:

  • Continuously maintain your family medicine certification.
  • Satisfactory documentation of one of the following:
    • Practice-Only Pathway (expires December 31, 2030)
    • Non-ACGME-Accredited Training, Plus Practice Pathway (expires December 31, 2030)
    • ACGME-Accredited Fellowship Training Pathway: Requires that physicians successfully complete an Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)–accredited HALM fellowship. The ACGME accredits HALM fellowships of 12 and 24 months in length.
  • Submit an online application with associated fees.
  • Achieve a passing score on the HALM half-day exam (offered every other year in even numbered years).

Your first five-year cycle of the HALM longitudinal assessment will begin the year after you gain initial certification. Going forward, you can expect to begin a new cycle every five years to maintain your HALM certification.

For information regarding CAQ board eligibility, visit the CAQ Board Eligibility page.

Maintaining Certification in Health Care Administration, Leadership, and Management

To maintain your CAQ in HALM, you are required to:

  • Continuously maintain your family medicine certification.
  • Submit annual CAQ certification fees.
  • Complete one PI activity every five years. An HALM-focused activity is preferred and encouraged. This PI activity will satisfy your PI requirement for your primary certification.
  • Achieve a passing score on the longitudinal assessment.

Going forward, you can expect to begin a new cycle of longitudinal assessment every five years to maintain your HALM CAQ.

How Do I Get Started?

If you are interested in obtaining, maintaining, or regaining a CAQ in Health Care Administration, Leadership, and Management, you may access the online exam application under “Added Qualifications” in your MyABFM Portfolio.

For additional information, read the HALM FAQs or contact us at [email protected].

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