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Home Research Visiting Scholars Program Research Visiting Scholars Program Opportunities to learn more about ABFM and join in our research activities. Read About the First Ten Years of Visiting Scholars ABFM sponsors a Visiting Scholars Program for both physicians and other professionals interested in primary care research, training, or practice. The Visiting Scholars Program is intended to offer you the opportunity to learn about the ABFM and conduct research over a two to four week period with ABFM’s Research Department. Scholars work directly with ABFM staff on original research projects that align with their own interests and support the mission and goals of the ABFM. Two experiences are available to scholars. Most scholars conduct research and have an immersion experience at ABFM offices in Lexington, KY. Individuals with significant policy interest may complete the program in Washington, DC at the Center for Professionalism & Value in Health Care. In addition to scholars, the ABFM Research Department has supported undergraduate, graduate, and medical students in mentored experiences. Publication in a peer-reviewed journal, and/or presentations at conferences, often result from these experiences. Individuals at more advanced stages of their careers with significant research experience or expertise may qualify as J. Lewis Sigmon, MD Senior Visiting Scholars. Sigmon Scholars are expected to produce a substantial product for publication as a result of their experience. Funding for the ABFM Visiting Scholars Program is supported by the ABFM Foundation. To apply, submit a letter of interest with your research interests, along with your CV, to [email protected]. Visiting Scholars Program Expand All Collapse All ABFM Visiting Scholars Program - The First Ten Years Visiting Scholars Report – The First Ten Years Previous Visiting Scholars Scholar / Project or Topic Elizabeth Davlantes, MD / Family physician supply and preventable hospitalizations Ciaran DellaFera, MD / Medication reconciliation John Bernot, MD / Qualified Clinical Data Registry playbook Jennifer Broders Jarrett, PharmD / Pharmacists in residency education and inteprofessional practice Tomoko Sairenji, MD / House Calls by family physicians Anastasia Coutinho, MD, MS / Scope of practice intentions of graduating residents compared to practice physicians Monee Rassolian, MD / Burnout of family physicians Julie Phillips, MD / Educational Debt and career choice and examination performance Alyssa Shell, MD, PhD / Systematic review of teaching residents about population health & evaluation of new safety net clinic site funding Amanda Weidner, MPH / Burnout of new graduates Anna Hansen, BS / State level variation in burnout Neha Sachdev, MD / Estimating primary care spend Elizabeth Beckman, MD / Practice Patterns of dually boarded family medicine psychiatrists Samuel Johnson, PharmD / Pharmacists’ roles in family medicine practices Pavela Bambakova, BS / Advancing measures of social deprivation Jonathan Lichkus, MD, MPH / Quality improvement training in residency Joshua St. Louis, MD, MPH / Family physicians treating substance use disorder and providing maternity care Zachary Ward / Rural/urban variation in rates of family medicine burnout Brandis Belt, MD / State medical license board application questions on mental health and substance abuse Saed Qunbar, PhD / Using machine learning to enhance recommended certification activities Sumathi Narayana, MD / Termination in family medicine Joseph Benitez, PhD / Effect of Medicaid expansion on scope of practice and panel size Tanya Longabach, PhD / Does self-reported preparation of residents correspond to medical knowledge? Mitch Dandignac, PhD / Exploring CKSA metacognitive accuracy Payal Patel, MD / Abortion care in family medicine Alison Paul, MD, MPH / Abortion care in family medicine Andrea Dotson, MD / Changes in family physicians provision of maternity care over time Sebastian Tong, MD, MPH / C-sections and practice patterns of FP addiction medicine Diplomates Julie Phillips, MD / Examining trends and predictors of family medicine student debt Andrea Wendling, MD / Family medicine student debt; practice location Kento Sonoda, MD / Family medicine role in HIV Care Tuhin Roy, MD / Outcomes of Teaching Health Center GME training Garrett S. Kneese, MPH / Primary care and population health; New family physician grads’ preparation for practice Jessica Sand, MPH / Primary care practice ability to address patient’s social needs Peter Meyers, MD / National Health Service Corps and Public Loan Service Forgiveness participation by family physicians Mary Theobald / Health system ownership and scope of practice Samantha Larson, PhD / Changes in burnout, scope of practice, and practice location Kento Sonoda, MD / Family physicians’ practice intentions of graduating residents during COVID Sebastian Tong, MD, MPH / Behavioral health collaboration in family medicine Kyle Lau, MD / Racial diversity in family medicine fellowships Adrian Sandoval, PharmD / Pharmacotherapeutic curricula and in-training examination scores Kaplan Sanders, PhD / Gender variation in debt and income in early career family physicians Seetha Venkateswaran, MD / Health systems leadership training in residency Grace Huynh / Practice variation by Asian ethnicities Emma Klug / Procedural contraception and state level reproductive healthcare regulation Alyssa Lambert / Geographic variation in family physician scope of practice Xinuo Gao, MD / InTraining Examination performance and National Journal Club article selection Caroline Jenkins / Part Time Work Among Family Physicians Omer Atac, MD, PhD / Vaccinations in Primary Care During COVID Pandemic Mark Carrozza, MA / Physician Gender Pay Equity and Nurse Practitioner Scope of Practice J. Lewis Sigmon Visiting Scholars Dr. Lewis Sigmon has been a long-time contributor to the critical work of the American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM). First elected to the ABFM Board of Directors in 1995, Dr. Sigmon was elected and served on the Executive Committee from 1998–2000 and was elected and served as Vice-President of the Board of Directors from 1999–2000. After his term on the ABFM Board of Directors ended in 2000, he was elected to the newly created ABFM Foundation Board of Directors in 2000 and served as its President from 2000–2006, then as its Chair 2006–2013. A highly respected clinician-educator, Dr. Sigmon was the Program Director of the Carolinas Medical Center (CMC) Family Medicine Residency, Charlotte, NC, from 1984–1992 and held a similar position at the CMC Union Rural Residency Program, Monroe, NC, from 1997–2001. He was Chair of CMC’s academic Department of Family Medicine from 1984–1995 and a member of the faculty of the University of North Carolina School of Medicine’s Department of Family Medicine, Chapel Hill from 1977–2017, achieving the rank of professor. He served on the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Family Medicine Review Committee from 1997–2003 and as a special site visitor for the ACGME from 2003–2014. He served as an item writer for the ABFM In-training Examination for Family Medicine Residents from 1988–1996 and again from 2001 to 2005. In recognition of his outstanding contributions to the specialty of Family Medicine and to the American Board of Family Medicine, the ABFM Foundation honored him upon the completion of his term as Chair on the Foundation Board of Directors in 2013 by creating and establishing the J. Lewis Sigmon, MD Visiting Scholar Program for senior scholars visiting the ABFM to pursue research interests consistent with the ABFM’s mission and purpose. Scholar / Project or Topic David Loxterkamp, MD / Changes in physician’s scope of practice Arch G. Chip Mainous, III, PhD / Burnout of family physicians, milestones, and fellowships Roger Garvin, MD / Development of professionalism in family medicine training William R. Phillips, MD, MPH / Who are General Practitioners in 2018? Peter Carek, MD, MS / Practice patterns of early career family physicians and interest in fellowship training David Schmitz, MD / Assessing competency for rural practice ABFM Research Students and Learners SCHOlar / Project or topic Jessica (Ottmar) Dobbins, DrPH / Population health management by family physicians Erica Schuster, BS / Preparation to provide population health management in residency Jessica Creager, BS / Burnout and practice organization Urooj Nasim / Variation in scope of practice among rural family physicians Rachel Cox, BS / Practice Patterns of Family Physicians with Sports Medicine Certification Caitlin Davis / Metaanlysis of burnout in residency; THCGME 10-year trends Meenu Krishnasamy / Burnout in Residency Reagan Bosse / Integration of public health and primary care Scholar and Student Publications Bambekova PG, Liaw W, Phillips RL, Bazemore A. Integrating Community and Clinical Data to Assess Patient Risks with A Population Health Assessment Engine (PHATE) J American Board of Fam Medicine 2020;33(3):463-467. Coutinho AJ, Cochrane A, Stelter K, Phillips RL, Jr., Peterson LE Comparison of Intended Scope of Practice for Family Medicine Residents With Reported Scope of Practice Among Practicing Family Physicians JAMA. Dec 8 2015;314(22):2364-2372. Cox R, Morgan ZJ, Nithyanandam S, Puffer JC, Peterson LE. Practice Patterns of Family Physicians With and Without Sports Medicine Certification Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine 2020;30(3):210-215. Davis C, Krishnasamy M, Morgan ZJ, Bazemore AW, Peterson LE. Academic Achievement, Professionalism, and Burnout in Family Medicine Residents Family Medicine 2021;3(6):423-432. Dobbins JM, Peiper N, Jones E, Clayton R, Peterson LE, Phillips RL, Jr. Patient-Centered Medical Home Recognition and Diabetes Control Among Health Centers: Exploring the Role of Enabling Services. Popul Health Manag. 2018 Feb;21(1):6-12. Hansen A, Peterson LE, Fang B, Phillips RL, Jr. Burnout in Young Family Physicians: Variation Across States. J Am Board Fam Med. 2018 Jan-Feb;31(1):7-8. Lichkus J, Fang B, Peterson LE. Family Medicine Residency Graduates’ Preparation for Quality Improvement Leadership Journal of Graduate Medical Education 2019;11(5):558-564. Lichkus J, Liaw WR, Phillips RL. Utilizing PHATE: A Population Health-Mapping Tool to Identify Areas of Food Insecurity Annals of Family Medicine 2019;17(4):372. Mainous AG, 3rd, Fang B, Peterson LE. Competency Assessment in Family Medicine Residency: Observations, Knowledge-Based Examinations, and Advancement. J Grad Med Educ. 2017 Dec;9(6):730-734. Nasim U, Morgan ZJ, Peterson LE. The Declining Scope of Practice of Family Physicians Is Limited to Urban Areas Journal of Rural Health 2020 E pub ahead of print Ottmar J, Blackburn B, Phillips RL, Jr., Peterson LE, Jaen CR. Family physicians’ ability to perform population management is associated with adoption of other aspects of the patient-centered medical home Population health management. Apr 2015;18(2):72-78. Patel P, Narayana S, Summit A, Gold M, Morgan ZJ, Peterson LE, Paul A. Abortion Provision Among Recently Graduated Family Physicians Family Medicine 2020;52(10):724-729. Patel P, Narayana S, Thill Z, Gold M, Paul A. Family Physicians’ Role in Simplifying Medication Abortion During the COVID-19 Pandemic J American Board of Fam Medicine 2021;34:S33-S36. Peterson LE, Puffer JC, Nasim U, Petterson S, Newton WP. Family Physicians’ Contributions to Rural Emergency Care and Urban Urgent Care J American Board of Fam Medicine 2019;32(3):295-296. Phillips J, Peterson LE, Fang B, Kovar-Gough I, Phillips RL. How Many Graduating Family Medicine Residents Have Chosen Financial Support for Service Commitments? Fam Med. 2017 Sep;49(8):626-629. Phillips JP, Peterson LE, Fang B, Kovar-Gough I, Phillips RL. Family Medicine Residents with High Debt Are Half as Likely to Choose Public Service, Academic, or Geriatric Careers Academic Medicine: February 2019 – Volume 94 – Issue 2 – p 267-273; doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000002468 Phillips JP, Peterson LE, Kovar-Gough, O’Neill TR, Peabody MR, Phillips RL. Family Medicine Residents’ Debt and Certification Examination Performance Primer 2019;3(7). Phillips WR, Dai M, Frey J, Peterson LE. General practitioners in US medical practice compared with family physicians. Annals of Family Medicine 2020;18(2):127-130 Puffer JC, Knight HC, O’Neill TR, Rassolian M, Bazemore AW, Peterson LE, Baxley EG. Prevalence of Burnout in Board Certified Family Physicians. J Am Board Fam Med. 2017 Mar-Apr;30(2):125-126. Rassolian M, Peterson LE, Fang B, Knight HC, Jr., Peabody MR, Baxley EG, Mainous AG, 3rd. Workplace Factors Associated With Burnout of Family Physicians. JAMA Intern Med. 2017 Jul 01;177(7):1036-1038. Sairenji T, Jetty A, Peterson LE Shifting Patterns of Physician Home Visits Journal of primary care & community health. Apr 2016;7(2):71-75. Sairenji T, Dai M, Eden AR, Peterson LE, Mainous AG, 3rd. Fellowship or Further Training for Family Medicine Residents? Fam Med. 2017 Sep;49(8):618-621. Schuster EK, Peterson LE. Resident and Residency Characteristics Associated With Self-reported Preparedness for Population Health Management. Fam Med. 2017 Nov;49(10):772-777. St Louis J, Eden AR, Morgan ZJ, Barreto TW, Peterson LE, Phillips RL. Maternity Care and Buprenorphine Prescribing in New Family Physicians Annals of Family Medicine 2020;18(2):156-158. Tong ST, Eden AR, Morgan ZJ, Bazemore AW, Peterson LE. The Essential Role of Family Physicians in Providing Cesarean Sections in Rural Communities J American Board of Fam Med 2021;34(1):10-11. Tong ST, Morgan ZJ, Bazemore AW, Eden AR, Fitzgerald RM, Peterson LE. Practice Patterns of Family Physicians With and Without Addiction Medicine Board Certification J American Board Fam Med 2021;34(4):814-819. Ward ZD, Morgan ZJ, Peterson LE. Family Physician Burnout Does Not Differ With Rurality Journal of Rural Health 2020;1-7. Weidner AKH, Phillips RL, Jr., Fang B, Peterson LE. Burnout and Scope of Practice in New Family Physicians. Ann Fam Med. 2018 May;16(3):200-205. Quick Links External Collaborations The ABFM research team is excited to collaborate with your organization to further the ABFM mission. Sustaining Women in Medicine Understanding the factors contributing to burnout in female family physicians and interventions to help curb or eliminate it. Family Medicine Factbook A curated series of basic analyses providing a broad perspective on family medicine and family physicians themselves.
Visiting Scholars Program Expand All Collapse All ABFM Visiting Scholars Program - The First Ten Years Visiting Scholars Report – The First Ten Years Previous Visiting Scholars Scholar / Project or Topic Elizabeth Davlantes, MD / Family physician supply and preventable hospitalizations Ciaran DellaFera, MD / Medication reconciliation John Bernot, MD / Qualified Clinical Data Registry playbook Jennifer Broders Jarrett, PharmD / Pharmacists in residency education and inteprofessional practice Tomoko Sairenji, MD / House Calls by family physicians Anastasia Coutinho, MD, MS / Scope of practice intentions of graduating residents compared to practice physicians Monee Rassolian, MD / Burnout of family physicians Julie Phillips, MD / Educational Debt and career choice and examination performance Alyssa Shell, MD, PhD / Systematic review of teaching residents about population health & evaluation of new safety net clinic site funding Amanda Weidner, MPH / Burnout of new graduates Anna Hansen, BS / State level variation in burnout Neha Sachdev, MD / Estimating primary care spend Elizabeth Beckman, MD / Practice Patterns of dually boarded family medicine psychiatrists Samuel Johnson, PharmD / Pharmacists’ roles in family medicine practices Pavela Bambakova, BS / Advancing measures of social deprivation Jonathan Lichkus, MD, MPH / Quality improvement training in residency Joshua St. Louis, MD, MPH / Family physicians treating substance use disorder and providing maternity care Zachary Ward / Rural/urban variation in rates of family medicine burnout Brandis Belt, MD / State medical license board application questions on mental health and substance abuse Saed Qunbar, PhD / Using machine learning to enhance recommended certification activities Sumathi Narayana, MD / Termination in family medicine Joseph Benitez, PhD / Effect of Medicaid expansion on scope of practice and panel size Tanya Longabach, PhD / Does self-reported preparation of residents correspond to medical knowledge? Mitch Dandignac, PhD / Exploring CKSA metacognitive accuracy Payal Patel, MD / Abortion care in family medicine Alison Paul, MD, MPH / Abortion care in family medicine Andrea Dotson, MD / Changes in family physicians provision of maternity care over time Sebastian Tong, MD, MPH / C-sections and practice patterns of FP addiction medicine Diplomates Julie Phillips, MD / Examining trends and predictors of family medicine student debt Andrea Wendling, MD / Family medicine student debt; practice location Kento Sonoda, MD / Family medicine role in HIV Care Tuhin Roy, MD / Outcomes of Teaching Health Center GME training Garrett S. Kneese, MPH / Primary care and population health; New family physician grads’ preparation for practice Jessica Sand, MPH / Primary care practice ability to address patient’s social needs Peter Meyers, MD / National Health Service Corps and Public Loan Service Forgiveness participation by family physicians Mary Theobald / Health system ownership and scope of practice Samantha Larson, PhD / Changes in burnout, scope of practice, and practice location Kento Sonoda, MD / Family physicians’ practice intentions of graduating residents during COVID Sebastian Tong, MD, MPH / Behavioral health collaboration in family medicine Kyle Lau, MD / Racial diversity in family medicine fellowships Adrian Sandoval, PharmD / Pharmacotherapeutic curricula and in-training examination scores Kaplan Sanders, PhD / Gender variation in debt and income in early career family physicians Seetha Venkateswaran, MD / Health systems leadership training in residency Grace Huynh / Practice variation by Asian ethnicities Emma Klug / Procedural contraception and state level reproductive healthcare regulation Alyssa Lambert / Geographic variation in family physician scope of practice Xinuo Gao, MD / InTraining Examination performance and National Journal Club article selection Caroline Jenkins / Part Time Work Among Family Physicians Omer Atac, MD, PhD / Vaccinations in Primary Care During COVID Pandemic Mark Carrozza, MA / Physician Gender Pay Equity and Nurse Practitioner Scope of Practice J. Lewis Sigmon Visiting Scholars Dr. Lewis Sigmon has been a long-time contributor to the critical work of the American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM). First elected to the ABFM Board of Directors in 1995, Dr. Sigmon was elected and served on the Executive Committee from 1998–2000 and was elected and served as Vice-President of the Board of Directors from 1999–2000. After his term on the ABFM Board of Directors ended in 2000, he was elected to the newly created ABFM Foundation Board of Directors in 2000 and served as its President from 2000–2006, then as its Chair 2006–2013. A highly respected clinician-educator, Dr. Sigmon was the Program Director of the Carolinas Medical Center (CMC) Family Medicine Residency, Charlotte, NC, from 1984–1992 and held a similar position at the CMC Union Rural Residency Program, Monroe, NC, from 1997–2001. He was Chair of CMC’s academic Department of Family Medicine from 1984–1995 and a member of the faculty of the University of North Carolina School of Medicine’s Department of Family Medicine, Chapel Hill from 1977–2017, achieving the rank of professor. He served on the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Family Medicine Review Committee from 1997–2003 and as a special site visitor for the ACGME from 2003–2014. He served as an item writer for the ABFM In-training Examination for Family Medicine Residents from 1988–1996 and again from 2001 to 2005. In recognition of his outstanding contributions to the specialty of Family Medicine and to the American Board of Family Medicine, the ABFM Foundation honored him upon the completion of his term as Chair on the Foundation Board of Directors in 2013 by creating and establishing the J. Lewis Sigmon, MD Visiting Scholar Program for senior scholars visiting the ABFM to pursue research interests consistent with the ABFM’s mission and purpose. Scholar / Project or Topic David Loxterkamp, MD / Changes in physician’s scope of practice Arch G. Chip Mainous, III, PhD / Burnout of family physicians, milestones, and fellowships Roger Garvin, MD / Development of professionalism in family medicine training William R. Phillips, MD, MPH / Who are General Practitioners in 2018? Peter Carek, MD, MS / Practice patterns of early career family physicians and interest in fellowship training David Schmitz, MD / Assessing competency for rural practice ABFM Research Students and Learners SCHOlar / Project or topic Jessica (Ottmar) Dobbins, DrPH / Population health management by family physicians Erica Schuster, BS / Preparation to provide population health management in residency Jessica Creager, BS / Burnout and practice organization Urooj Nasim / Variation in scope of practice among rural family physicians Rachel Cox, BS / Practice Patterns of Family Physicians with Sports Medicine Certification Caitlin Davis / Metaanlysis of burnout in residency; THCGME 10-year trends Meenu Krishnasamy / Burnout in Residency Reagan Bosse / Integration of public health and primary care Scholar and Student Publications Bambekova PG, Liaw W, Phillips RL, Bazemore A. Integrating Community and Clinical Data to Assess Patient Risks with A Population Health Assessment Engine (PHATE) J American Board of Fam Medicine 2020;33(3):463-467. Coutinho AJ, Cochrane A, Stelter K, Phillips RL, Jr., Peterson LE Comparison of Intended Scope of Practice for Family Medicine Residents With Reported Scope of Practice Among Practicing Family Physicians JAMA. Dec 8 2015;314(22):2364-2372. Cox R, Morgan ZJ, Nithyanandam S, Puffer JC, Peterson LE. Practice Patterns of Family Physicians With and Without Sports Medicine Certification Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine 2020;30(3):210-215. Davis C, Krishnasamy M, Morgan ZJ, Bazemore AW, Peterson LE. Academic Achievement, Professionalism, and Burnout in Family Medicine Residents Family Medicine 2021;3(6):423-432. Dobbins JM, Peiper N, Jones E, Clayton R, Peterson LE, Phillips RL, Jr. Patient-Centered Medical Home Recognition and Diabetes Control Among Health Centers: Exploring the Role of Enabling Services. Popul Health Manag. 2018 Feb;21(1):6-12. Hansen A, Peterson LE, Fang B, Phillips RL, Jr. Burnout in Young Family Physicians: Variation Across States. J Am Board Fam Med. 2018 Jan-Feb;31(1):7-8. Lichkus J, Fang B, Peterson LE. Family Medicine Residency Graduates’ Preparation for Quality Improvement Leadership Journal of Graduate Medical Education 2019;11(5):558-564. Lichkus J, Liaw WR, Phillips RL. Utilizing PHATE: A Population Health-Mapping Tool to Identify Areas of Food Insecurity Annals of Family Medicine 2019;17(4):372. Mainous AG, 3rd, Fang B, Peterson LE. Competency Assessment in Family Medicine Residency: Observations, Knowledge-Based Examinations, and Advancement. J Grad Med Educ. 2017 Dec;9(6):730-734. Nasim U, Morgan ZJ, Peterson LE. The Declining Scope of Practice of Family Physicians Is Limited to Urban Areas Journal of Rural Health 2020 E pub ahead of print Ottmar J, Blackburn B, Phillips RL, Jr., Peterson LE, Jaen CR. Family physicians’ ability to perform population management is associated with adoption of other aspects of the patient-centered medical home Population health management. Apr 2015;18(2):72-78. Patel P, Narayana S, Summit A, Gold M, Morgan ZJ, Peterson LE, Paul A. Abortion Provision Among Recently Graduated Family Physicians Family Medicine 2020;52(10):724-729. Patel P, Narayana S, Thill Z, Gold M, Paul A. Family Physicians’ Role in Simplifying Medication Abortion During the COVID-19 Pandemic J American Board of Fam Medicine 2021;34:S33-S36. Peterson LE, Puffer JC, Nasim U, Petterson S, Newton WP. Family Physicians’ Contributions to Rural Emergency Care and Urban Urgent Care J American Board of Fam Medicine 2019;32(3):295-296. Phillips J, Peterson LE, Fang B, Kovar-Gough I, Phillips RL. How Many Graduating Family Medicine Residents Have Chosen Financial Support for Service Commitments? Fam Med. 2017 Sep;49(8):626-629. Phillips JP, Peterson LE, Fang B, Kovar-Gough I, Phillips RL. Family Medicine Residents with High Debt Are Half as Likely to Choose Public Service, Academic, or Geriatric Careers Academic Medicine: February 2019 – Volume 94 – Issue 2 – p 267-273; doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000002468 Phillips JP, Peterson LE, Kovar-Gough, O’Neill TR, Peabody MR, Phillips RL. Family Medicine Residents’ Debt and Certification Examination Performance Primer 2019;3(7). Phillips WR, Dai M, Frey J, Peterson LE. General practitioners in US medical practice compared with family physicians. Annals of Family Medicine 2020;18(2):127-130 Puffer JC, Knight HC, O’Neill TR, Rassolian M, Bazemore AW, Peterson LE, Baxley EG. Prevalence of Burnout in Board Certified Family Physicians. J Am Board Fam Med. 2017 Mar-Apr;30(2):125-126. Rassolian M, Peterson LE, Fang B, Knight HC, Jr., Peabody MR, Baxley EG, Mainous AG, 3rd. Workplace Factors Associated With Burnout of Family Physicians. JAMA Intern Med. 2017 Jul 01;177(7):1036-1038. Sairenji T, Jetty A, Peterson LE Shifting Patterns of Physician Home Visits Journal of primary care & community health. Apr 2016;7(2):71-75. Sairenji T, Dai M, Eden AR, Peterson LE, Mainous AG, 3rd. Fellowship or Further Training for Family Medicine Residents? Fam Med. 2017 Sep;49(8):618-621. Schuster EK, Peterson LE. Resident and Residency Characteristics Associated With Self-reported Preparedness for Population Health Management. Fam Med. 2017 Nov;49(10):772-777. St Louis J, Eden AR, Morgan ZJ, Barreto TW, Peterson LE, Phillips RL. Maternity Care and Buprenorphine Prescribing in New Family Physicians Annals of Family Medicine 2020;18(2):156-158. Tong ST, Eden AR, Morgan ZJ, Bazemore AW, Peterson LE. The Essential Role of Family Physicians in Providing Cesarean Sections in Rural Communities J American Board of Fam Med 2021;34(1):10-11. Tong ST, Morgan ZJ, Bazemore AW, Eden AR, Fitzgerald RM, Peterson LE. Practice Patterns of Family Physicians With and Without Addiction Medicine Board Certification J American Board Fam Med 2021;34(4):814-819. Ward ZD, Morgan ZJ, Peterson LE. Family Physician Burnout Does Not Differ With Rurality Journal of Rural Health 2020;1-7. Weidner AKH, Phillips RL, Jr., Fang B, Peterson LE. Burnout and Scope of Practice in New Family Physicians. Ann Fam Med. 2018 May;16(3):200-205.
Previous Visiting Scholars Scholar / Project or Topic Elizabeth Davlantes, MD / Family physician supply and preventable hospitalizations Ciaran DellaFera, MD / Medication reconciliation John Bernot, MD / Qualified Clinical Data Registry playbook Jennifer Broders Jarrett, PharmD / Pharmacists in residency education and inteprofessional practice Tomoko Sairenji, MD / House Calls by family physicians Anastasia Coutinho, MD, MS / Scope of practice intentions of graduating residents compared to practice physicians Monee Rassolian, MD / Burnout of family physicians Julie Phillips, MD / Educational Debt and career choice and examination performance Alyssa Shell, MD, PhD / Systematic review of teaching residents about population health & evaluation of new safety net clinic site funding Amanda Weidner, MPH / Burnout of new graduates Anna Hansen, BS / State level variation in burnout Neha Sachdev, MD / Estimating primary care spend Elizabeth Beckman, MD / Practice Patterns of dually boarded family medicine psychiatrists Samuel Johnson, PharmD / Pharmacists’ roles in family medicine practices Pavela Bambakova, BS / Advancing measures of social deprivation Jonathan Lichkus, MD, MPH / Quality improvement training in residency Joshua St. Louis, MD, MPH / Family physicians treating substance use disorder and providing maternity care Zachary Ward / Rural/urban variation in rates of family medicine burnout Brandis Belt, MD / State medical license board application questions on mental health and substance abuse Saed Qunbar, PhD / Using machine learning to enhance recommended certification activities Sumathi Narayana, MD / Termination in family medicine Joseph Benitez, PhD / Effect of Medicaid expansion on scope of practice and panel size Tanya Longabach, PhD / Does self-reported preparation of residents correspond to medical knowledge? Mitch Dandignac, PhD / Exploring CKSA metacognitive accuracy Payal Patel, MD / Abortion care in family medicine Alison Paul, MD, MPH / Abortion care in family medicine Andrea Dotson, MD / Changes in family physicians provision of maternity care over time Sebastian Tong, MD, MPH / C-sections and practice patterns of FP addiction medicine Diplomates Julie Phillips, MD / Examining trends and predictors of family medicine student debt Andrea Wendling, MD / Family medicine student debt; practice location Kento Sonoda, MD / Family medicine role in HIV Care Tuhin Roy, MD / Outcomes of Teaching Health Center GME training Garrett S. Kneese, MPH / Primary care and population health; New family physician grads’ preparation for practice Jessica Sand, MPH / Primary care practice ability to address patient’s social needs Peter Meyers, MD / National Health Service Corps and Public Loan Service Forgiveness participation by family physicians Mary Theobald / Health system ownership and scope of practice Samantha Larson, PhD / Changes in burnout, scope of practice, and practice location Kento Sonoda, MD / Family physicians’ practice intentions of graduating residents during COVID Sebastian Tong, MD, MPH / Behavioral health collaboration in family medicine Kyle Lau, MD / Racial diversity in family medicine fellowships Adrian Sandoval, PharmD / Pharmacotherapeutic curricula and in-training examination scores Kaplan Sanders, PhD / Gender variation in debt and income in early career family physicians Seetha Venkateswaran, MD / Health systems leadership training in residency Grace Huynh / Practice variation by Asian ethnicities Emma Klug / Procedural contraception and state level reproductive healthcare regulation Alyssa Lambert / Geographic variation in family physician scope of practice Xinuo Gao, MD / InTraining Examination performance and National Journal Club article selection Caroline Jenkins / Part Time Work Among Family Physicians Omer Atac, MD, PhD / Vaccinations in Primary Care During COVID Pandemic Mark Carrozza, MA / Physician Gender Pay Equity and Nurse Practitioner Scope of Practice
J. Lewis Sigmon Visiting Scholars Dr. Lewis Sigmon has been a long-time contributor to the critical work of the American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM). First elected to the ABFM Board of Directors in 1995, Dr. Sigmon was elected and served on the Executive Committee from 1998–2000 and was elected and served as Vice-President of the Board of Directors from 1999–2000. After his term on the ABFM Board of Directors ended in 2000, he was elected to the newly created ABFM Foundation Board of Directors in 2000 and served as its President from 2000–2006, then as its Chair 2006–2013. A highly respected clinician-educator, Dr. Sigmon was the Program Director of the Carolinas Medical Center (CMC) Family Medicine Residency, Charlotte, NC, from 1984–1992 and held a similar position at the CMC Union Rural Residency Program, Monroe, NC, from 1997–2001. He was Chair of CMC’s academic Department of Family Medicine from 1984–1995 and a member of the faculty of the University of North Carolina School of Medicine’s Department of Family Medicine, Chapel Hill from 1977–2017, achieving the rank of professor. He served on the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Family Medicine Review Committee from 1997–2003 and as a special site visitor for the ACGME from 2003–2014. He served as an item writer for the ABFM In-training Examination for Family Medicine Residents from 1988–1996 and again from 2001 to 2005. In recognition of his outstanding contributions to the specialty of Family Medicine and to the American Board of Family Medicine, the ABFM Foundation honored him upon the completion of his term as Chair on the Foundation Board of Directors in 2013 by creating and establishing the J. Lewis Sigmon, MD Visiting Scholar Program for senior scholars visiting the ABFM to pursue research interests consistent with the ABFM’s mission and purpose. Scholar / Project or Topic David Loxterkamp, MD / Changes in physician’s scope of practice Arch G. Chip Mainous, III, PhD / Burnout of family physicians, milestones, and fellowships Roger Garvin, MD / Development of professionalism in family medicine training William R. Phillips, MD, MPH / Who are General Practitioners in 2018? Peter Carek, MD, MS / Practice patterns of early career family physicians and interest in fellowship training David Schmitz, MD / Assessing competency for rural practice
ABFM Research Students and Learners SCHOlar / Project or topic Jessica (Ottmar) Dobbins, DrPH / Population health management by family physicians Erica Schuster, BS / Preparation to provide population health management in residency Jessica Creager, BS / Burnout and practice organization Urooj Nasim / Variation in scope of practice among rural family physicians Rachel Cox, BS / Practice Patterns of Family Physicians with Sports Medicine Certification Caitlin Davis / Metaanlysis of burnout in residency; THCGME 10-year trends Meenu Krishnasamy / Burnout in Residency Reagan Bosse / Integration of public health and primary care
Scholar and Student Publications Bambekova PG, Liaw W, Phillips RL, Bazemore A. Integrating Community and Clinical Data to Assess Patient Risks with A Population Health Assessment Engine (PHATE) J American Board of Fam Medicine 2020;33(3):463-467. Coutinho AJ, Cochrane A, Stelter K, Phillips RL, Jr., Peterson LE Comparison of Intended Scope of Practice for Family Medicine Residents With Reported Scope of Practice Among Practicing Family Physicians JAMA. Dec 8 2015;314(22):2364-2372. Cox R, Morgan ZJ, Nithyanandam S, Puffer JC, Peterson LE. Practice Patterns of Family Physicians With and Without Sports Medicine Certification Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine 2020;30(3):210-215. Davis C, Krishnasamy M, Morgan ZJ, Bazemore AW, Peterson LE. Academic Achievement, Professionalism, and Burnout in Family Medicine Residents Family Medicine 2021;3(6):423-432. Dobbins JM, Peiper N, Jones E, Clayton R, Peterson LE, Phillips RL, Jr. Patient-Centered Medical Home Recognition and Diabetes Control Among Health Centers: Exploring the Role of Enabling Services. Popul Health Manag. 2018 Feb;21(1):6-12. Hansen A, Peterson LE, Fang B, Phillips RL, Jr. Burnout in Young Family Physicians: Variation Across States. J Am Board Fam Med. 2018 Jan-Feb;31(1):7-8. Lichkus J, Fang B, Peterson LE. Family Medicine Residency Graduates’ Preparation for Quality Improvement Leadership Journal of Graduate Medical Education 2019;11(5):558-564. Lichkus J, Liaw WR, Phillips RL. Utilizing PHATE: A Population Health-Mapping Tool to Identify Areas of Food Insecurity Annals of Family Medicine 2019;17(4):372. Mainous AG, 3rd, Fang B, Peterson LE. Competency Assessment in Family Medicine Residency: Observations, Knowledge-Based Examinations, and Advancement. J Grad Med Educ. 2017 Dec;9(6):730-734. Nasim U, Morgan ZJ, Peterson LE. The Declining Scope of Practice of Family Physicians Is Limited to Urban Areas Journal of Rural Health 2020 E pub ahead of print Ottmar J, Blackburn B, Phillips RL, Jr., Peterson LE, Jaen CR. Family physicians’ ability to perform population management is associated with adoption of other aspects of the patient-centered medical home Population health management. Apr 2015;18(2):72-78. Patel P, Narayana S, Summit A, Gold M, Morgan ZJ, Peterson LE, Paul A. Abortion Provision Among Recently Graduated Family Physicians Family Medicine 2020;52(10):724-729. Patel P, Narayana S, Thill Z, Gold M, Paul A. Family Physicians’ Role in Simplifying Medication Abortion During the COVID-19 Pandemic J American Board of Fam Medicine 2021;34:S33-S36. Peterson LE, Puffer JC, Nasim U, Petterson S, Newton WP. Family Physicians’ Contributions to Rural Emergency Care and Urban Urgent Care J American Board of Fam Medicine 2019;32(3):295-296. Phillips J, Peterson LE, Fang B, Kovar-Gough I, Phillips RL. How Many Graduating Family Medicine Residents Have Chosen Financial Support for Service Commitments? Fam Med. 2017 Sep;49(8):626-629. Phillips JP, Peterson LE, Fang B, Kovar-Gough I, Phillips RL. Family Medicine Residents with High Debt Are Half as Likely to Choose Public Service, Academic, or Geriatric Careers Academic Medicine: February 2019 – Volume 94 – Issue 2 – p 267-273; doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000002468 Phillips JP, Peterson LE, Kovar-Gough, O’Neill TR, Peabody MR, Phillips RL. Family Medicine Residents’ Debt and Certification Examination Performance Primer 2019;3(7). Phillips WR, Dai M, Frey J, Peterson LE. General practitioners in US medical practice compared with family physicians. Annals of Family Medicine 2020;18(2):127-130 Puffer JC, Knight HC, O’Neill TR, Rassolian M, Bazemore AW, Peterson LE, Baxley EG. Prevalence of Burnout in Board Certified Family Physicians. J Am Board Fam Med. 2017 Mar-Apr;30(2):125-126. Rassolian M, Peterson LE, Fang B, Knight HC, Jr., Peabody MR, Baxley EG, Mainous AG, 3rd. Workplace Factors Associated With Burnout of Family Physicians. JAMA Intern Med. 2017 Jul 01;177(7):1036-1038. Sairenji T, Jetty A, Peterson LE Shifting Patterns of Physician Home Visits Journal of primary care & community health. Apr 2016;7(2):71-75. Sairenji T, Dai M, Eden AR, Peterson LE, Mainous AG, 3rd. Fellowship or Further Training for Family Medicine Residents? Fam Med. 2017 Sep;49(8):618-621. Schuster EK, Peterson LE. Resident and Residency Characteristics Associated With Self-reported Preparedness for Population Health Management. Fam Med. 2017 Nov;49(10):772-777. St Louis J, Eden AR, Morgan ZJ, Barreto TW, Peterson LE, Phillips RL. Maternity Care and Buprenorphine Prescribing in New Family Physicians Annals of Family Medicine 2020;18(2):156-158. Tong ST, Eden AR, Morgan ZJ, Bazemore AW, Peterson LE. The Essential Role of Family Physicians in Providing Cesarean Sections in Rural Communities J American Board of Fam Med 2021;34(1):10-11. Tong ST, Morgan ZJ, Bazemore AW, Eden AR, Fitzgerald RM, Peterson LE. Practice Patterns of Family Physicians With and Without Addiction Medicine Board Certification J American Board Fam Med 2021;34(4):814-819. Ward ZD, Morgan ZJ, Peterson LE. Family Physician Burnout Does Not Differ With Rurality Journal of Rural Health 2020;1-7. Weidner AKH, Phillips RL, Jr., Fang B, Peterson LE. Burnout and Scope of Practice in New Family Physicians. Ann Fam Med. 2018 May;16(3):200-205.
Quick Links External Collaborations The ABFM research team is excited to collaborate with your organization to further the ABFM mission. Sustaining Women in Medicine Understanding the factors contributing to burnout in female family physicians and interventions to help curb or eliminate it. Family Medicine Factbook A curated series of basic analyses providing a broad perspective on family medicine and family physicians themselves.
External Collaborations The ABFM research team is excited to collaborate with your organization to further the ABFM mission.
Sustaining Women in Medicine Understanding the factors contributing to burnout in female family physicians and interventions to help curb or eliminate it.
Family Medicine Factbook A curated series of basic analyses providing a broad perspective on family medicine and family physicians themselves.