Phoenix Newsletter – October 2021

Residency Papers Published: A Re-Envisioning Residency Education Update

Participate in focus groups and surveys through the Re-Envisioning Family Medicine Residency Education website.

Starfield Summit IV Re-Envisioning Family Medicine Residency Education graphicIf you have an interest in the future of family medicine residency education and would like to have input into the standards that are currently being drafted by the Accreditation Council on Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) for family medicine, we encourage you to visit the Re-Envisioning Family Medicine Residency Education website, hosted by ABFM, to access the many focus group reports, surveys and papers developed for the ACGME to consider when writing the new standards.

Over 3,500 Diplomates, residents and residency faculty members have participated in focus groups and surveys, and/or attended a virtual national summit in 2020! In July of this year, a special issue of Family Medicine published 35 peer-reviewed papers that emerged from this effort. The papers are grouped into seven subjects: Foundations of Residency Redesign, The Practice is the Curriculum, How Do We Teach?, What Should We Teach?, Building a Better National System of Residency Education, Increasing the Social Accountability of Residencies, and, finally, Shaping the Future of the Specialty. Links to all of these are available on the site.

The ACGME group writing the new draft standards will be requesting public feedback on them later this fall. ABFM welcomes continuing engagement of our community to help shape the future of residency education and our specialty! We continue to be energized by the progress, and appreciative of the contributions made to help ensure that family physicians leave residencies well trained to serve their patients and their communities, and to help lead change in health and health care.