Alternative therapies: Part I. Depression, diabetes, obesity


Morelli, V, and Zoorob, R J


Achieving Health System Goals, and Role of Primary Care


Quality Of Care



Natural supplements are widely used in the United States and, while claims of their therapeutic effects abound, medical research does not always support their effectiveness. St. John’s wort acts as a weak selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor with fewer side effects. S-Adenosylmethionine (SAMe) has enough of an antidepressant effect to warrant further research. More human studies are needed before garlic, bitter melon, soy and fenugreek supplements can be recommended for the management of diabetes, although chromium may be a promising treatment in some cases. Alpha lipoic acid is used in the treatment of diabetic neuropathy. The effects of ma huang/guarana combinations in obesity have not been well studied. These combinations may have potentially serious side effects but may also offer some benefit. The combination of hydroxycitric acid and garcinia has proved no more effective than placebo.

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