Phoenix Newsletter – November 2022

PRIME Registry, Helping Independent Practices Stay Independent Since 2016

More than 600 practices across the United States currently use the PRIME Registry.

More than 600 practices across the United States currently use the PRIME Registry to turn their EHR data into information they can use with very little burden. Some use it to monitor quality and see how they are doing compared to peers. Some use it to participate in the Medicare Quality Payment Program (MIPS, APMs, MSSP) or to share their quality measures with whomever they need to. Others want access to cutting-edge high-value primary care measures like the Person-Centered Primary Care Measure (PCPCM) and Continuity—both exclusively available to PRIME participants for reporting for MIPS. Finally, some want to better visualize and understand the patient population they serve and what their risks are due to social drivers of health.

We are excited about the shared mission and vision of PRIME and the ABFM, along with our independent, physician-owned ACO, to keep our independent practices independent and our patients first and at the center of what we do.
-Medical Director, PRIME Registry ACO

The ABFM knows that, for primary care, the whole is more valuable than the sum of the parts. The highest value functions of primary care—first contact, continuity, comprehensiveness, care coordination, family- and community-centered care—are currently not among the 100+ measures used to “value” primary care. The Measures That Matter initiative is an effort by ABFM and Center for Professionalism & Value in Health Care (CPV) to refocus quality assessment on those things that family physicians and patients have long valued. In addition to the PCPCM and Continuity measures, MTM is currently testing two other measures that we know are valuable to physicians and to patients to see if they can also be used for measures reporting: Comprehensiveness and Trust. This related effort is aimed at helping health systems and insurance companies understand the importance of supporting these functions so that family physicians have the resources to do them. At the recent AAFP FMX conference, we presented and talked to dozens of family physicians about these measures. One full-time physician said, “this was the most important session that I attended!”

If you think your practice or a friend might benefit from PRIME, please contact [email protected] or visit If you aren’t sure PRIME is a fit but are interested in the primary care Measures That Matter, please contact [email protected], or visit