Phoenix Newsletter – October 2023

New! Pain Medicine Knowledge Self-Assessment

The new Pain Medicine Knowledge Self-Assessment activity is now available and can be accessed in your MyABFM Portfolio.

New Pain Medicine KSA AvailableThe new Pain Medicine Knowledge Self-Assessment activity is now available and can be accessed in your MyABFM Portfolio. This activity focuses on:

  • Diagnosing chronic pain syndromes in family medicine
  • Identifying pharmacologic appropriate therapy for specific conditions including painful diabetic neuropathy, osteoarthritis, trigeminal neuralgia, and fibromyalgia
  • Describing the use of active modalities such as exercise and physical therapy in the treatment of chronic pain
  • Recommendations for the appropriate pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic options for treatment of functional chronic pain conditions
  • Indications, risks, and monitoring recommendations for long-term opioid pain medications

Medication Access and Training Expansion (MATE) Act – Individuals who need to self-report time spent training to fulfill the requirement should note that the ABFM Pains Medicine Knowledge Self-Assessment has approximately two-thirds of the 60 total questions which address the topics of appropriate opioid prescribing, substance use disorders in those with concurrent pain, effective pain treatment planning, and substance misuse. The ABFM Pain Medicine Knowledge Self-Assessment offers up to 8 credits of accredited CME. Hours reported should reflect the time spent in the activity.