ABFM Foundation

The primary purpose of the ABFM Foundation is to support the American Board of Family Medicine through education and research efforts.

At this time, the ABFM Foundation website is unavailable while redesign work is underway.

ABFM Foundation staff are currently working to improve the usability of the ABFM Foundation website to make it a useful resource for you and your colleagues. 

If you need additional information regarding the ABFM Foundation or if you have any questions, you may email the ABFM Foundation at [email protected].

The ABFM Foundation is a supporting organization, as defined by the IRS, of the ABFM. As such its controlling function is to serve the ABFM in its mission of:

  • Improving the quality of medical care available to the public.
  • Establishing and maintaining standards of excellence in the primary care specialties.
  • Improving the standards of medical education and training, including transformational graduate medical education in primary care.
  • Participation in efforts for the improvement of medical care and the physician reporting of quality information and measures, including those programs and initiatives mandated by the United States Government and governed by the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, or the similar agencies of the United States Government.
  • Quality improvement programs and modules for primary care physicians, including by not limited to the utilization of programs and modules in multispecialty disciplines.
  • The development of new and expanded computer architecture and programs for use in the primary care medical specialties.

In advancement of these objectives, the Foundation supports a broad range of initiatives that support the profession. Most recently these initiatives have focused on residency redesign, the creation of residency learning networks, CBME education and training, efforts to better understand the use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, addressing health equity issues, development of the Measures That Matter To Primary Care initiative, family medicine leadership opportunities (including the James C. Puffer, M.D. ABFM/National Academy of Medicine Fellowship), the expansion of the research capacity of the profession, and operating the PRIME Registry.

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